Talk and video projection presenting the workshop of the artists raphael belliot darmon and instructors marisol naranjo garcia & in residence at Domus Artist Residency February 2024

As part of the February guests in the international artist residency program at Domus Artist Residency, Mexican artist and instructor marisol naranjo garcia, and French filmmaker and anthropologist raphael belliot darmon, have developed the research project "IL MORSE DEL RAGNO COLORATO" in Galatina. The project involved an open creative workshop for all and an anthropological investigation through the creation of a collaborative video documentary. Through this project, the artist-researchers explored the relationship between the inhabitants of Galatina and their historical and anthropological heritage, experimenting with how the power of shared narratives can build a new sense of community.

On Saturday, February 24, at the former Convento delle Clarisse, there will be a meeting among all participants and citizens for a talk on the memories of tarantism preserved by the city.

The project, initiated at the beginning of the month, reaches a climax with a workshop open to all, led by marisol naranjo garcia (closed registrations). Starting from dance therapy, the workshop incorporates multiple insights to explore one's inner self. Through the free use of provided video cameras, a documentary about the workshop experience and the historical traces of Tarantism in Galatina will be created with the participants and the community. The history of Galatina and the vivid memories from direct witnesses will be the focus of a documentary by filmmaker raphael belliot darmon. This documentary involves elderly citizens, scholars of the phenomenon, and experts in the history and cultural heritage of the city, aiming to provide a personal perspective on this complex theme and connect the collaborative video to documentation and educational research.