13th July to 3rd August 2020
Dialoghi sul Mediterraneo I
Key moments :
For the summer 2020, Domus hosted a collaborative exhibition in the residence's house in Galatina during three weeks. The house was transformed by the testimonies of each participants (guests of the year 2019 and guests of the year 2020) and opened to the public from July 13th to August 3rd 2020. Due to the global context of the pandemic we could not meet physically this year so it is our works and our passions that were all united in the body of Domus. Public talks and events (virtual and physical) from the 13th of July until the 7th of August were and are available online. The whole activity of Domus this summer has been documented and is accessible online (exhibition, talk, live, event, Zoom meeting...) and broadcast on the different digital platforms of the residence.
Domus Artist Residency, Galatina
Three public Talks: dialogues on the Mediterranean: Environment / Gender / Dynamics of the territory
First Talk: Environment / Wednesday 15 July 2020/ 9 p.m.
The first of the three public talks, which anticipate the autumn appointments, is dedicated to environmental, geopolitical and social issues of Salento and the countries in the Mediterranean basin with a transdisciplinary and cross-sector dialogue. Starting from the relationship between care and power, in this first talk, artists, curators and academics from various countries will discuss.
Riccardo Venturi (art historian and critic) / Margherita Ciervo (professor of economic geography at the University of Foggia) / Daniela Festa (researcher and visiting researcher at Columbia University) / Catherine Vincent (journalist of the newspaper Le Monde) /Béatrice Andrieux (curator and art historian) /Violetta Barba (designer of Apulian origins) / Plants dub (music from the trees,) /Andres Arche Maldonado (live sax session)
Second Talk: Gender identity in the Mediterranean / Tuesday 21 July 2020/ 9 pm
After working on environmental issues, our investigation of the Mediterranean basin’ country continues to weave a complex analysis of the relationship between violence and territory. The second of the three public talks is dedicated to gender identity issues in the Mediterranean, aiming once again a transdisciplinary and cross-sector dialogue. Starting from the relationship between bodies and archetypes, in this second talk, the dialogue will be shared by artists, curators and academics from different countries .
Paolo Valerio (honorary Prof. in clinical psychology) / Liliane Vana (doctor of Sciences of Religions, specialized in Jewish law) /Paola Ugolini (art critic and independent curator) Barbara Formis (teacher of aesthetics and philosophy of art)/ Fabienne Brugère (Professor of Philosophy) / Rikke Jorgensen (independent curator)
Third Talk: Territorial Dynamics / Wednesday 29 July 2020/ 9 p.m.
We close the trilogy of talks dedicated to the Mediterranean with a meeting dedicated to territorial dynamics. An investigation on the Mediterranean basin’ countries through demographic, political, social and economic analysis with serious migratory consequences. Remaining in the complexity of the relations between violence and territory, the third of the three public talks is dedicated to a transdisciplinary and cross-sector dialogue between journalists, political science researchers, NGO doctors with a continuous reference to contemporary art and creation.
The guests: - Susan Dabbous (Italian-Syrian journalist and human rights consultant) / Pascale Laborier (director of the master's degree in international political sociology at the University of Paris Nanterre) / Pierre Duterte (piscotherapist) / Nadine Machikou (political science teacher at the University Yaoundé II) / Séverine Kodjo-Grandvaux (journalist of the newspaper Le Monde) / Guillaume Le Blanc (philosophy teacher at the University Michel-de-Montaigne, Bordeaux)
Participants to the project:
Romina De Novellis, artist
Fabien Calvo, oncologist, University Paris-Diderot, Head of Cancer Core Europe
Margherita Ciervo, economist, University of Foggia
Susan Dabbous, italian-syrian journalist, specialised in migration and human rights
Margherita D’Amico, biologist, specialised in vegetal pathology
Pierre Duterte, doctor – psychotherapist
Daniela Festa, geographer, Sciences-Po Paris
Barbara Formis, philosopher, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Pascale Laborier, political science professor, University Paris-Nanterre
Nadine Machikou, political science professor, University of Yaoundé, Cameroon
Liliane Vana, specialised in hebraic right, Talmud and philology
Silvia Giambrone, artist
Paola Ugolini, independent art curator
Guillaume Le Blanc, philosopher, University Paris-Diderot
Fabienne Brugère, philosopher, University Paris 8
Catherine Vincent, journalist, Le Monde
Paolo Valerio, Honorary Professor Clinical Psychology Honorary President of Sinapsi Athenaeum Centre University Federico II of Naples Chairman Gender Identity and Culture Foundation President National Observatory on Gender Identity - ONIG
Séverine Kodle, philosopher and associate researcher at the Laboratoire d'études et de recherches sur les logiques contemporaines de la philosophie, University of Paris 8
Henri Guette, art critic and curator
Myriam Mihindou, artist
Rikke Jorgensen, independent curator and founder of the Arts & Globalization Platform
Mouna Jemal, artist based in Tunis, Tunisia
Valentina Gio Levy, artistic director of Valeria Costa Piccinini Heritage Fund (Rome, IT) and the co-director and co-funder of GAD - Giudecca Art District (Venice, IT)
Svitlana Levchenko, artist photographer based in Kyiv, Ukraine
Daria Pashchenko, curator and researcher based in Berlin, Germany
Marina Sagona, artist based in New York City
Elena Salza, PhD candidate in History of the Arts at Ca’ Foscari University in Venice
Riccardo Venturi, Pensionnaire in history and theory of the arts at Académie de France – Villa Medici, Rome (2018-2019)
Chiara Mambro, curator
Lorenzo Madaro, curator and professor of History of Art and Phenomenology of Contemporary Arts, Academy of Fine Arts of Lecce.
Angelo Maria Monaco, PhD in History of Art (Università del Salento – Italy, 2007), Professor of History of Art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Lecce
Alberto Dambruoso, art historian, professor of Art History at the Fine Arts Academy of Frosinone, a critic and independent curator of contemporary art.
Carmelo Cipriani, journalist, an art historian and an independent curator