Lynda Dematteo is a graduate of Sciences Po Lille (1996) and she obtained her PhD in Social Anthropology at the School for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences in Paris (2002). After having been an Assistant professor at Charles de Gaulle University of Lille III, she was granted a scholarship by the Montreal Center for International Studies for a postdoctoral internship (2004-2006). In 2008, she was recruited by the French CNRS to carry out studies on the impact of globalization on political life and she is now a lecturer at the School for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (EHESS). As a specialist in Italian politics, she has conducted numerous field research studies on Northern Italy, the transnational networks of the textile industry and the globalization of Made in Italy. She develops an anthropological reflection on political tensions and populist movements in the European and American contexts. In autumn 2016, she was awarded a fellowship from the Italian Academy at Columbia University, and in 2019 she was selected by the Franco-American Fulbright Commission for a research residency at Montana State University. In 2022, Lynda Dematteo co-organized with Catherine Dunlop two workshops funded by the FACE Foundation as part of the French Presidency’s ‘Make Our Planet Great Again’ initiative (2020-2022). Fruit trees are among the species most directly threatened by climate change. Northern arborists are well aware of this. Starting from this human-plant relationship, we explored ways of defeating climate change denial and inaction.