Lorenzo Madaro is a curator of contemporary art and a tenured professor of Contemporary Art History at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan. After completing his master's degree in Art History, he obtained a second-level master's degree in Museology, Museography, and Cultural Heritage Management from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan. He is an art critic for both the Rome and Milan editions of "La Repubblica" and for "Robinson," the national cultural weekly of the newspaper "La Repubblica." He also collaborates with publications such as Arte (Cairo Editore), Artribune, Atp Diary, and others. He serves as a consultant for the Rome Quadriennale for the Panorama project and for the journal Quaderni dell’arte italiana (published by Treccani Arte). Additionally, he collaborates with the bibliomuseum of Puglia (Puglia Region). He was a member of the proposing committee for the Bulgari Prize promoted by the MAXXI - National Museum of the 21st Century Arts in Rome. Recent publications include contributions to the catalog of the UNESCO international collection (Paris). In 2021, he was a member of the selection committee for the Termoli Prize, along with Giacinto Di Pietrantonio, Alberto Garutti, and Paola Ugolini, curated by Laura Cherubini; and in the same year, he was an advisor for the Oliviero Prize curated by Stefano Raimondi. In 2020, he was among the guest authors at the Mantua Literature Festival, with a focus on unpublished letters by Germano Celant dedicated to two Italian artists from the 1960s. Recent exhibitions curated by Madaro include: "Domenico Ruccia: Quel pazzo di Paolo Uccello" (Milan, Renata Fabbri Gallery, 2024), "Umberto Bignardi: Di nuovo a Roma" (Rome, Valentina Bonomo Gallery, 2023), "Federico Gori: L’età dell’oro" (National Museum of Taranto, 2022 – winner of the Ministry of Culture's PAC grant), "Sebastiao Salgado" (Otranto Castle, 2022), "Andy Warhol" (Monopoli, Carlo V Castle, 2022), "States of Matter" (Gagliardi and Domke, Turin 2021), "Gianni Berengo Gardin: Vera fotografia" (Otranto Castle, 2020), "Umberto Bignardi: Visual Experimentation in Rome (1963-1967)" (Bianconi Gallery, Milan 2020), "Silent, I Retreat to Paint a Picture" (Fabbri Gallery, Milan, 2019), "1900 in Italy: From De Chirico to Fontana" (Otranto Castle, 2018), "To Keep At Bay" (Bianconi Gallery, Milan 2018), "Hygroscopic Spaces" (Bianconi Gallery, Milan 2017), "Mario Schifano and Italian Pop Art" (Carlo V Castle, Lecce, 2017), "Edoardo De Candia: Love Hate Gold" (Monumental Complex of San Francesco della Scarpa, Lecce, 2017), "Natalino Tondo: N-Dimensional Space" (Davide Gallo Gallery, Milan, 2017), "Andy Warhol and Maria Mulas" (Carlo V Castle, Lecce 2016), "Principles of Adhesion" (Silvestri Castle, Calcio - Bergamo 2016), "Leandro: Unique Primitive" (promoted by Mibact in various museums in Puglia, 2016), "Spaces: The Multiverse of Independent Spaces in Italy" (Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan 2015). He has published numerous catalogs, essays, and critical contributions on artists from the 20th century to the present day and taught Contemporary Art History, History and Theory of the Video Clip, and other disciplines at the Academy of Fine Arts in Catania; at the Academy of Fine Arts in Lecce, he taught Contemporary Art History, Phenomenology of Contemporary Arts, and History and Methodology of Art Criticism. He has collaborated with various museum institutions, including the Museum of the 20th Century in Milan and the MAXXI in Rome.