Since 2007, Felipe Pasini has dedicated himself to the theoretical study, practical experimentation, and dissemination of Syntropic Agriculture in Brazil and abroad. In 2015, he co-produced the award-winning short film "Life in Syntropy," presented in Paris at COP 21. Felipe graduated in Journalism and specialized in Environmental Sciences and Conservation at UFRJ. In the field of communication, he is an environmental consultant for primetime telenovelas on Rede Globo de Televisão, such as "Velho Chico" (2016) and "Pantanal" (2022), both nominated for the Emmy Award, and "Renascer" (2023/24). In the scientific field, he co-published in the FAO-UN manual "Recarbonizing Global Soils: A Technical Manual of Best Management Practices" (2020) and in high-impact scientific journals like "Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability" with the article "Syntropy and Innovation in Agriculture" (2020). In Portugal, he contributed to various regeneration projects using the principles of syntropic agriculture, with particular emphasis on Syntropic School Gardens (GALP Foundation Award 2019). He now lives in southern Italy, in the lower Salento region, where he applies everything he has learned to a project dedicated to experimenting with agroforestry models adapted to the local reality. He is also part of the "Biotic Pump Greening Group," an international group of scientists that provides consultancy for large-scale reforestation projects. Felipe is co-author of the book "Living in Syntropy: The Syntropic Agriculture of Ernst Götsch Explained," released in Brazil in 2022 and soon to have its Italian version published by Terranuova (scheduled for release in July 2024).