Third Talk: Territorial Dynamics
We close the trilogy of talks dedicated to the Mediterranean with a meeting dedicated to territorial dynamics. An investigation on the Mediterranean basin’ countries through demographic, political, social and economic analysis with serious migratory consequences. Remaining in the complexity of the relations between violence and territory, the third of the three public talks is dedicated to a transdisciplinary and cross-sector dialogue between journalists, political science researchers, NGO doctors with a continuous reference to contemporary art and creation.
Susan Dabbous (Italian-Syrian journalist and human rights consultant) / Pascale Laborier (director of the master's degree in international political sociology at the University of Paris Nanterre) / Pierre Duterte (piscotherapist) / Nadine Machikou (political science teacher at the University Yaoundé II) / Séverine Kodjo-Grandvaux (journalist of the newspaper Le Monde) / Guillaume Le Blanc (philosophy teacher at the University Michel-de-Montaigne, Bordeaux)