Residents of October 2024

This residency is supported by the Institut Français, Région Bretagne, and DRAC Bretagne.


Estelle Chaigne is a photographer and artist based in Rennes, working at the Ateliers du Vent. She explores various photographic techniques, using everything from 19th-century cameras and magnesium flash to temporary tattoos and digital video. Her practice takes the form of installations, videos, or performances that engage with the act of photography, the medium itself, and its ability to reveal the invisible and latent. Her work around the invisible, vernacular practices, and inhabited bodies leads her to explore the connection between the body and nature, witchcraft and landscapes, rituals, and rural practices.

At Domus Estelle Chaigne led a workshop dedicated to analogue photography that involved many local enthusiasts.

Chaigne will presented the beginning of her project on the themes of trance and ritual, showcasing her photographs from the workshop she conducted in Galatina. She performed "Table," a piece she created during a residency on the island of Jersey in November, alongside her photographic work. This sound piece is composed of synthetic sounds, theremin, and sampled voices, exploring ideas of transmission, code, signs, and language transcriptions. The performance is inspired by the surreal exchanges between Victor Hugo and a table between 1853 and 1855, during his exile, when he conducted numerous spiritual sessions to reconnect with his deceased daughter. She was accompanied by Johanna Rocard and Amandine Braud, who were in Galatina for a week to assist her with her research.